Thursday, October 11, 2007


My family has a pineapple farm on Maui. I grew up pretty much smack dab in a pineapple farm, ok well, maybe surrounded on 3 sides, but it was nice. We always had fresh pineapple (although I never really cared for it). My mom really likes pineapples. We have a lot of pineapple decor in our home. I like pinepples too! This was a pineapple ornament I crocheted last year :)

Monday, October 08, 2007


After my husband and I went to Japan for our honeymoon he's been addicted to ramen. Well, living in Hawaii there are more "saimin" places than "ramen" but luckily on Oahu there are actual authentic Japanese ramen places. We have yet to try them though...

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Princess again

One of my favorite pals to visit when I'm on Maui. She just got spayed that week so she wasn't her normal rambunctious self. Usually she's bouncing off the walls but she was so sweet and cuddly this week (probably from the drugs). She has these really amber colored eyes that match her fur. Funny because when she was a kitten she had blue eyes. Weird how things turn out. I love her anyway.


Things are looking up!

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Old friends...

Hi, these are two original characters I created, oh, about 10 years ago (probably more now). They are two friends, Kiki and Kei. Kiki is sugary sweet, and Kei is, well, not sour, but pretty tart. They get along fine and get into all sorts of hijinks. I just recently gave them little dog pets to complement their personalities. Their designs really changed over the years but the personalities stayed the same.

Friday, October 05, 2007

My little cousin

My "little" cousin is actually 23! Ha ha! She's only 4 years younger but she's always been the "little" one since she's the youngest in our family (of cousins). When we were growing up, 4 years seemed like a big difference, but now, not so much. She does Japanese dance and actually has this kimono/yukata. Our grandmother made it for her. Our family is ethnically Japanese but I think she's the only one who really celebrates our culture. She's the sweetest person and a great budding artist!

More Fruity heads

I really had fun creating these. I may make them into a downloadable icon package later when I have the time.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Thank you!

Thank you to all who've took the time to follow my blog. I appreciate you! This was a design I did for my own bridal shower thank you cards. That was me with my long hair, pre-wedding.

Photos from Maui

Here are some photos I took while on Maui. I love how my parents have a lovely garden where I can take all sorts of pictures. They live out on the country side of Maui and my dad raises all sorts of flowers and plants. I live in the city on Oahu and it is very different. I have two plans, two nearly dead orchid plants that sadly ive (if you can call it that) on our lanai. They do not flourish like my dad's orchids on Maui.

And here is a little friend I met that day :)

Quick update

Hi All! I've been pretty busy these past couple months ever since I started school. It's been hectic but very enjoyable. It's nice to be interacting with other creative people as we work on the same assignments. I find myself challenged and inspired by such peers. I haven't had much time to do my own personal work but I'm going to try and upload some work that I've been doing in class if I think it's worth it.

This is a piece I did for one of my classes. We were supposed to create an illustrated capital letter. I did it in the art nouveau style. It took a long time but it was really fun and I am really happy with how it came out :) Done mostly in Illustrator CS3 and textures added in PS CS3.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Do you want to be sick?

Ok, this actually only pertains to people interested in investing in stocks. I started investing about 3-4 years ago because I wanted to diversify and at that time I was making good money. (note the was). Anyway, I am a Mac person, I love love love my mac. Anywho, if you are interested in investing and would like to make yourself sick check out how much the stock of Apple (AAPL) was selling 5 years ago and then compare to today! cheers! *barf*

Ok ok so I bought it at $80 max but still if only I knew....

School thus far...

I'm finding it a very interesting experience going back to school after having graduated over 3 years ago. It's refreshing actually. I'm going into a program to learn web design but we start at the very basics, graphic design. I've been a straight illustrator pretty much all my life. I tend to draw whatever I want, however I want with little thought towards the design of the piece. Now I'm forced to think about the design of everything! It's hard to get my mind thinking in that way. I have basic graphic design along with typography and an art history course. I am enjoying it all. It's fun interacting with people again and sharing thoughts and ideas. I don't feel too old, although I'm one of few who have previously earned college degrees. It's definetly a departure from working at home, holed up in our apartment like a hermit.

I get a lot of homework which makes school almost like a job! Of course I'M the one who's paying to be there :) I tend to be the type of student who has to do well. Nerd, I know that's me. I overachieve I guess, but that is only the case for art courses. I think I barely squeaked out a "C-" for Physics when I was going for my bachelor's.

But yeah, anyway, that's what I'm up to. I'm trying to find time to do my own art and still blog (sorry for the lack of posts) and also do crafts too now. It's nice to be so busy again. There was a couple months this year where I really felt like my life was crawling by. I guess I started out the year with a bang (getting married), then I went to Japan on my honeymoon but after that there wasn't much to do. I wasn't needed as much at my previous job so I started working part time and I wasn't getting much bites with my freelance career. I was pretty down about everything but then I contacted one of my teachers to see if she could recommend any places to apply for work and BANG I'm in school full time again working towards my second degree.

I have to thank my husband for supporting me through all this (financially and emotionally). I couldn't be doing this if it weren't for him. I try my best to be a good wifey but sometimes I feel I fall short because he takes such good care of me.

Fruity heads

I was looking on deviant art one day and noticed there was a section for mac icons. I didnt' know you could change the icons on your Mac! I googled it and learned how to make my own. These were made for folders on my Mac. I think I saw someone had crocheted a bear with an apple hat and that got me inspired.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Slow down!

Well, I am officially a student again with a full schedule of classes. I'm studying webdesign in a further attempt to diversify my skills. Thus I found I must slow myself down. I had to pare down my work schedule to accomodate my classes. They are intense and competitive. I always find the need to overachieve in school (nerd) especially in my art classes. Of course that is rather hard when ALL your classes are art classes but that's my problem.

Anyway, so yeah, less work more studying. I'm learning a lot about design and graphic design. Before this, I was pretty much just a visual artist where I created illustrations. Now I'm forced to open up a new way to perceive things. Graphic design is totally new to me and very different. I'm used to having my work be literal but now I'm working more conceptually. I'm struggling with trying to make things look "right" when there might not be a definite answer. I get frustrated that my abstract designs might not "look like anything". I don't know what is successful and what is not. This is the whole learning process I guess so hopefully one day my mind will just *click* and I'll be able to understand what I'm doing.

So for now it's just a crapshoot where I pick one of my designs and print it out and present it like i knew what I was doing all along. Confidence is key I believe, and if you can sell your design you are halfway to that "A".

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Loves these cats

And now following my admission of cat love, here are my cats! (Well, my parent's cats but I still love them!)



Pumpkin (yeah we love our "P" names...)

I'm a cat person

Ok, I'm not going to dog on "dog people" because I have no problem with them (well except those that don't clean up after their dogs on walks). I'm a cat person. I prefer cats to dogs. I like how cats are independent and not "needy". They can be a little standoffish, but so am I. I like how they leave you alone for the most part but can seem to sense when you want some company. I love how lithe and graceful they are, slinking around. I love how they purr.

Yes there are things I can't stand about them too like their constant need to play with anything that resembles string (like hair), or that wiggles (like feet) and their lack of understanding what the words "no" and "stop" mean. I also don't like how their breath smells (but I'm not that crazy about dog breath either). I dont' like how they are so nimble and can jump (and climb) onto almost anything.

Of course you are going to find pet peeves about the ones you love the most but I still love cats.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Cat photos

More photographs of my cute kitties! Actually they are my parent's but I love them as if they were my own.

The one thing I learned about taking animal pictures is that patience is a key! It was especially hard capturing a good shot of the kitten (orange tabby) because she was constantly running around and twitching her head here and there. The brown tabby is an older cat who is more mellow.


I'm currently taking a photography class. It's something I've always wanted to do but could never find the time or money to invest in one. Luckily, the program I am entering at college has this class for a prerequisite so I have a good excuse to take it! Another plus is that it is a digital photography class so I had to buy a digital SLR camera : )

These flower pictures were taken at my parents' house on Maui. They have the loveliest flowers and they live right in the middle of a pineapple field. Ahhhh, paradise!

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Naughty naughty naughty!!!

*sigh* Laziness and the internet are evil to me. I swear I waste more time on the net than doing anything else except maybe sleeping and breathing. I mean there is so much on the net to look at (even the non-dirty things!). I can waste, spend, a whole day looking at other people's art, reading food blogs, or just reading about stuff that interests me on the net.

It doesn't help that I'm a naturally lazy person either. Instead of looking for something productive to do, I'll plunk myself in front of my computer and surf away. I know I'll get scoldings from my husband later...

Thursday, June 28, 2007

I love sushi!

I love sushi! I don't think it has to do with my ethnic background (Japanese) but I love it! I wish it didnt' have all the carbs but that is pretty much impossible because half of what makes sushi, "sushi", is the rice! Growing up, rice was the staple of my family's diet. I loved rice. Rice is so plain but it is so good! My dad is a real rice eater. He takes these huge bowls meant for ramen, and fills it with rice. He's a farmer so he needs the carbs for energy I guess. I on the other hand, having been a pretty lazy kid who spent most of the time indoors drawing, ballooned up due to the excess carbs.

Luckily I've slimmed down some, but I still enjoy rice. Rice is the default "side" or starch in Hawaii. Fries or potatoes often have to be requested.

I guess sushi is one of my favorite ways to eat rice but I also love musubi (plain and not spam), and rice with shoyu poured over (often seen as a sin by die hard rice eaters).

When it rains...

Isn't it amazing how unpredictable life is? For the past couple of months work and life has been pretty slow and easy going.

Then this month I suddenly find myself with possibly 3 jobs and I start summer school next week! I'm excited and a little scared with the prospect of having such a busy schedule. I have had to juggle work and wedding planning last year which wasn't so bad, but having to juggle 3 jobs with equal priority.

I also welcome my return to school. I've always wanted to learn to use a manual focus camera and am thrilled that my class uses digital cameras as opposed to film. Now don't get me wrong, I admire and respect traditional photographers who still use film and develop their own prints in darkrooms but I really just want to learn how to use the camera and the different ways to compose pictures. I guess being an artist, I kind of wrinkled my nose at just pointing and clicking, having the subject smack dab in the center of the pic. I like having things off center, or the foreground out of focus or finding interesting ways to shoot my photos. Of course having a point and shoot camera doesn't really give you much opportunity to catching artistic shots.

Then in the Fall I am a full time student working towards an associate's degree in web design and interactive layout. I'm really looking forward to that. I'll be on the older side (having been graduated for over 3 years now with my BA) but I still look pretty young (except for the grey hairs).

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Being a shy artist

To all other artists out there, you can probably relate. I like to draw, I find it fun and relaxing and a good way to entertain myself when I am waiting for something or someone. I guess, since I've been drawing from like age 3, it's natural for me and I don't think I'm anything special.

It always surprises me when I'm drawing out in public and someone stops to watch me draw. I get a little bit embarassed but I don't want to be rude and hide my drawing or stop to make it obvious their watching is making me uncomfortable. Sometimes they watch and then precede on their way, other times, which I dread, they try to enter a conversation with me. I don't mind the kids because they are really interested and most of the time cute. I know that they are genuinely curious about what I'm doing. I don't always know how to answer their questions.

One time at the airport a little girl caught me drawing. First she oohed and aahhed a little and then she asked the question "how do you do that"? Ok, do what exactly? I mean draw? Think up the ideas for what I will draw? Or transfer what is in my head to my hand to paper? It's a complex procedure I'm sure but since I've been doing it for over 20 years I guess it's a natrual process for me. So I did what most people in my situation would do, smile and pretend I didn't speak English. Nah, I just told her "I don't know" which is the truth in some way.

Adults or peers are another story. I don't think they are any less curious or interested but I just get downright embarassed. I guess it's because I draw mostly cartoony things which I feel show I'm childish. I'm more shy than bothered by them but for the most part they don't ask questions. I don't mind people I know talking to me about my drawings but total strangers make me uncomfortable (in person). I'm a pretty shy person face to face. I don't mind people commenting about my work online. Highschool was the worst. I used to like to doodle in my art class. While I was learning traditional methods I would be sketching anime characters. Other students would hover and then ask what I was doing, how I was drawing them, how I got my ideas and I was so shy and embarassed. Some even wanted my sketches, which I found flattering and strange at the same time. Luckily now when people ask me to draw for them I can charge them... : )

There are so many great artists out there, a lot, tons, better than me which i am grateful for. It does make me wonder because I'm sure many people have great ideas for drawings in their heads but how to translate that onto paper is the area where many fall short. And where does one get these ideas? It's all so complicated, I just accept I can do what I can and there are some things I can't do. I also wonder if our ideas are in some way hindered by our ability to draw them or is our ability to draw hindered by our ideas (or lack of). Hmmmm.

Sorry boring post. Hopefully more art posts soon. I need to buy a new scanner...

Monday, June 11, 2007

Summer promo

Summer's here and that means new promo postcards! Here is my summer 2007 promo postcard. I wanted something colorful, tropical and pretty.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Love your pets!

Here is my attempt at a sorta retro-ish colored line drawing. I tried using a limited color palette and I like it. It looks simple but it took kinda a long time. I tried using flat shading with texture to look more "hand drawn". I love drawing people and animals with different expressions. I'm a cartoonist at heart : )

Saturday, May 19, 2007


My nephew is so adorable. He just got a new kitten and is smitten with her. He's only 2 years and 7 months old so he hasn't been able to decide on a name for her yet. So far I heard he's named her "Princess" and "Baby", which I must admit are more creative than say "cat" or "kitty". Anyway, I thought the story was so cute that I drew this pic.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Sorry for lack of posts!

Hello! sorry I was busy with work and then I went to visit my family on Maui so I wasn't able to post anything new. I'll make sure to post at least a couple image posts this week! Yikes I only have a couple days!

Friday, May 04, 2007

The things I draw that aren't work related

I must admit I have a very different style when I don't work with vectors. I don't always work this way because 1) my scanner is broken so it's harder for me to upload pencil drawings, 2) it takes so much longer to finish something like this than a vector piece, and 3) I don't think this style is as marketable.

I don't know if you'd really call this "cartoony" but it is sort of based on the Japanese anime style.

I think I'd like to be a video game character developer if I wasn't doing illustration.

And I just noticed the date! 2003! I can't believe I did this over 3 years ago!

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Back to school

I'm so excited! I'm going back to school! I've decided to take entrepreneur (spelling?) classes starting in August and I can't be more stoked. I always enjoyed college. I think it's the atmosphere of learning new things and being around people who share the same interests (I hope).

Since I decided to try my hand at freelancing, I figured learning something about running one's own business would be helpful.

I must have looked like a freak when I went to go and pay for my classes. I was all smiles. I was surprised how much things had changed since I last was there. Now we actually have student IDs, with color photos! My last student ID was a crappy black and white, xerox looking picture. If I had known we'd have IDs taken I would have done something with my hair. Now anyone who's ever worn a pony tail will understand that pony tail hair is way worse than hat head. So I left my pony tail up. I also was wearing this plain black tank so my ensemble wasn't the trendiest. To say the least I will not be pulling that ID out anytime soon. I look like a teenage boy who wears too much lipgloss. That hideous.

And you know the best thing about being a student? Educational discount at Apple! Yes! I will get myself a new computer later this year. I'm looking into an Imac. Maybe a new ipod who knows. So hire me so I can blow the money on Apple stuff!

Friday, April 27, 2007

Yellow umbrella girl

I started using different programs to make my art. I used to use either straight Illustrator or straight Photoshop but recently I've been experimenting using the aforementioned two plus Painter. I like Painter for my sketches and also line work. Beats Photoshop anyday in my opinion. I use Illustrator for almost all my work. Photoshop has become an adjustment tool to correct color and add effects.

Anyway, this is a picture I started in Painter. The linework was done there. Then I uploaded it to Illustrator where I added the colored parts. Then I probably finished it in Photoshop. I liked it but it seemed a little too "cartoony" to put in my website portfolio. I dunno, I like the look of the flat colors and dark lines so I might use the technique again.

Sorry for the lame explaination about how I created this. I know some people are interested in that type of stuff (like I am).

Married life so far...

What can I say? Married life so far isn't very different from "single" life before. Having lived with my husband a couple years before we were married (*gasp*) and having dated for over 10 years since we were in high school, I must admit that there was no real "transition" period.

I was never one who enjoyed the single life. Well, maybe I shouldn't say that since I haven't been single since I was 15, and what does a 15 year old know? I just wonder what single people my age think about settling down.

Anyway, it's so funny when people still ask me "so what's married life like now?" All I have to say is it pretty much feels like the same thing as before. Never had to make the big "move" out of the parents' house (thank god I never moved back home) and since we'd been together so many years we learned to deal with the little things each other did that annoyed us.

Not to say I'm disappointed that I never got to experience all the exciting things newlyweds do because I'm not. I enjoy having known my husband for so long. I think when you commit to a relationship and fall in love you really start to grow up. You aren't really allowed to be selfish anymore. You are part of a whole, a couple, thus you must make certain sacrifices for the other. We give eachother our needed space and we're not all needy and clingy anymore (haven't been for years). We have fun during the times we spend together but still allow the other their personal space and time. I feel that my happiness is connected to his, so making him happy can only benefit myself.

Yup, married life suits me just fine. I know that there is a whole lifetime full of experiences ahead of us, but for now I think I'll just enjoy the present.

I love Japan

Ok, sure I'm Japanese (ethnicity, not nationality) but I really love Japan and its culture. I recently visited Japan with my husband for our honeymoon and it was beautiful. The people there are so different than us. It was really fun.

I had done a series of images featuring geisha before the trip. Here is one of three images I created.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

A brand new start!

Hi, I trashed all my old posts (sorry to anyone who actually read and commented) but I was so lax about actually posting. Hopefully I'll be able to make 2 posts a week. I am trying my hand at freelance illustration and hope someone out there will see my art, like it, and hire me!

I do have a website,, which has more art and info about yours truly.

Anyway, please visit, at least once a week (since I'll try post at least two new posts a week). Thanks!