I'm so excited! I'm going back to school! I've decided to take entrepreneur (spelling?) classes starting in August and I can't be more stoked. I always enjoyed college. I think it's the atmosphere of learning new things and being around people who share the same interests (I hope).
Since I decided to try my hand at freelancing, I figured learning something about running one's own business would be helpful.
I must have looked like a freak when I went to go and pay for my classes. I was all smiles. I was surprised how much things had changed since I last was there. Now we actually have student IDs, with color photos! My last student ID was a crappy black and white, xerox looking picture. If I had known we'd have IDs taken I would have done something with my hair. Now anyone who's ever worn a pony tail will understand that pony tail hair is way worse than hat head. So I left my pony tail up. I also was wearing this plain black tank so my ensemble wasn't the trendiest. To say the least I will not be pulling that ID out anytime soon. I look like a teenage boy who wears too much lipgloss. That hideous.
And you know the best thing about being a student? Educational discount at Apple! Yes! I will get myself a new computer later this year. I'm looking into an Imac. Maybe a new ipod who knows. So hire me so I can blow the money on Apple stuff!