Monday, July 23, 2007

Cat photos

More photographs of my cute kitties! Actually they are my parent's but I love them as if they were my own.

The one thing I learned about taking animal pictures is that patience is a key! It was especially hard capturing a good shot of the kitten (orange tabby) because she was constantly running around and twitching her head here and there. The brown tabby is an older cat who is more mellow.


I'm currently taking a photography class. It's something I've always wanted to do but could never find the time or money to invest in one. Luckily, the program I am entering at college has this class for a prerequisite so I have a good excuse to take it! Another plus is that it is a digital photography class so I had to buy a digital SLR camera : )

These flower pictures were taken at my parents' house on Maui. They have the loveliest flowers and they live right in the middle of a pineapple field. Ahhhh, paradise!

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Naughty naughty naughty!!!

*sigh* Laziness and the internet are evil to me. I swear I waste more time on the net than doing anything else except maybe sleeping and breathing. I mean there is so much on the net to look at (even the non-dirty things!). I can waste, spend, a whole day looking at other people's art, reading food blogs, or just reading about stuff that interests me on the net.

It doesn't help that I'm a naturally lazy person either. Instead of looking for something productive to do, I'll plunk myself in front of my computer and surf away. I know I'll get scoldings from my husband later...