Thursday, August 30, 2007

Slow down!

Well, I am officially a student again with a full schedule of classes. I'm studying webdesign in a further attempt to diversify my skills. Thus I found I must slow myself down. I had to pare down my work schedule to accomodate my classes. They are intense and competitive. I always find the need to overachieve in school (nerd) especially in my art classes. Of course that is rather hard when ALL your classes are art classes but that's my problem.

Anyway, so yeah, less work more studying. I'm learning a lot about design and graphic design. Before this, I was pretty much just a visual artist where I created illustrations. Now I'm forced to open up a new way to perceive things. Graphic design is totally new to me and very different. I'm used to having my work be literal but now I'm working more conceptually. I'm struggling with trying to make things look "right" when there might not be a definite answer. I get frustrated that my abstract designs might not "look like anything". I don't know what is successful and what is not. This is the whole learning process I guess so hopefully one day my mind will just *click* and I'll be able to understand what I'm doing.

So for now it's just a crapshoot where I pick one of my designs and print it out and present it like i knew what I was doing all along. Confidence is key I believe, and if you can sell your design you are halfway to that "A".

1 comment:

K and S said...

Good luck with school, sounds fun and exciting :)